17 March 2021

Retrospective Series: Colton, Lentine, Nadeau, Kinbar


STP 1351

In Retrospective: 2016 Celebration. Photography by Studio T.

10-Year Retrospective Exhibition

by Maria Guerrero, Founder & Exec. Director, Women in the Arts Inc.

This fun portrait snaps a glimpse of the excitement and fellowship during the 2016 annual event: "Celebrating the Genius of Women."

In today's collection we feature recent works by Mindy Colton, Patricia Lentine, Peggi Nadeau, and Rachel Kinbar.

Immersed in the life of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Mindy highlights cultural and religious references in her horse sculpture "Charmed."

Patricia Lentine portrays her subject, Marina, exploring and enjoying her surroundings.

Peggi Nadeau's "Sea and Sand" is a high-fired clay sculpture with transformative folds, details, subtle color transitions, and textures.

"Survival Machines" by Rachel Kinbar is a paper clay sculpture shaped by the artist exploration of scientific concepts, DNA replication, and the counterpart reality of the artist's family name coming to an end.

You are invited to view these works at the Orlando Public Library. The digital exhibition represents fifty-eight artists from Orlando and around the world honored in this year's Retrospective Exhibition: Celebrating the Genius of Women.

Enjoy the exhibition, connect with us and the artists on social media, and share this message with your audience.

Happy Women's History Month!

View the full Digital Exhibition.
Visit the Physical Exhibition at the Orlando Public Library, March 8-April 23.


Women in the Arts, Inc. thanks the participant artists, the Board of Directors, Advisory Board members, jury team, benefactors, individuals, and partners who have supported this event through the years, allowing us to create meaningful change in expanding the visibility, opportunity, and importance of the contributions of women artists.

We especially acknowledge: The Orlando Public Library, The Mennello Museum of American Art, The Orlando Museum of Art, United Arts, The West Orange Foundation Leadership Alumni, Studio T Photography.


We thank all supporters of Women in the Arts' programs

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